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Nair Scare From a Third-degree Burn Lawsuit: Dermatologists Warn Users of Depilatories like Nair

Nair Scare From a Third-degree Burn Lawsuit: Dermatologists Warn Users of Depilatories like Nair
Skip the harsh chemicals, the burns, the irritation, the smells and try a natural, safe alternative today. Salix Lotion contains all-natural and soothing ingredients that bring a world class spa home. The delicate lavender scent enriches the senses while jojoba oil seeps and soothes the skin for a soft, supple feel.

The Real Cost of Hair Removal

The Real Cost of Hair Removal
Tired of overspending on hair removal methods that aren’t even permanent? Try the Salix Lotion difference today. Salix Lotion is used as part of your current hair removal regimen be it shaving or waving. But where Salix differs is the results! When used consistently, Salix Lotion reduces hair regrowth and leads to a permanent hair removal solution and costs as little as $129 for a full recommended treatment. And not only does it work for hair loss, it acts as a traditional lotion and aftershave leaving your skin smooth, supple, and touch-ably soft.

5 Benefits of Jojoba Oil as an Ingredient in Salix Hair Removal Lotion

5 Benefits of Jojoba Oil as an Ingredient in Salix Hair Removal Lotion
People everywhere have become more mindful of their skincare routines and have been shopping for healthy, nourishing, natural alternatives to the harsh, drying chemicals on the market. Home remedies include coconut oil, avocado oils, turmeric – all of these have their own benefits but few ingredients can compare with the miracle of jojoba oil.