Home / News / 5 Benefits of Jojoba Oil as an Ingredient in Salix Hair Removal Lotion
5 Benefits of Jojoba Oil as an Ingredient in Salix Hair Removal Lotion

5 Benefits of Jojoba Oil as an Ingredient in Salix Hair Removal Lotion

Salix Lotion will help reduce the appearance of unwanted hair but with the added benefits of a jojoba oil regimen. People everywhere have become more mindful of their skincare routines and have been shopping for healthy, nourishing, natural alternatives to the harsh, drying chemicals on the market. Home remedies include coconut oil, avocado oils, turmeric – all of these have their own benefits but few ingredients can compare with the miracle of jojoba oil.

Salix hair removal lotion is a good natural creme that helps remove hair and safe to use.

What is Jojoba Oil?

Jojoba Oil (pronounce ho-ho-bah) is an oil that is extracted from the seed of the jojoba plant. Native to Mexico, Arizona, and found sparingly in California, this plant is fairly accessible and often easy to maintain. Far from a fad, jojoba extract has been used for years as an ailment for rash, sores, bruises and more. The oil has also show results in treating major skin ailments like acne, scarring, dryness, and psoriasis.

How it Works

Jojoba oil is classified as an emollient – meaning that it has specific chemical properties that soothe and revitalize the skin. The chemical compound of jojoba oil is very light. This low-weight property allows the oil to quickly penetrate the skin and unclog pores.

Why Use Jojoba Oil in Salix Lotion?

Taking into account all of the benefits that jojoba oil has on its own, the experts at Salix Skincare proudly decided that incorporating the oil into the Salix Lotion formula was a no-brainer and they think you’ll agree! Below are 5 scientifically proven benefits of jojoba oil:


1. Relief from Razor Burn

Razor burn can happen after even the most careful shave. Razor burn leaves the skin sensitive to rash, discomfort and more. But applying jojoba oil after shaving moisturizes and soothes the irritated skin while promoting healing in the area.


2. Advanced Moisturizing

Jojoba oil is chemically similar to natural oils that your body produces to keep your skin supple and healthy. An unhealthy diet, aging, and other naturally occurring situations can cause a decrease in your natural oils. By applying jojoba oil to affected, dry areas, the jojoba oil acts in place of your own natural oils bringing new life to affected areas.


3. Naturally Contains Vitamin E and B Complex

For truly healthy skin, you can largely benefit from antioxidants. Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation and conserves elasticity in the skin for a fresh, youthful look. Jojoba also contains Vitamin B complex which has been found to promote quick healing of scrapes and cuts. Perfect for a post shave or wax regimen!


4. Fights Fungus and Infection

Various published studies have found that jojoba oil can be used to stave off fungal infections often found in shared showers, tubs, and sinks. This can help create a safe environment for your typical skincare routine in a shared bathroom with less-than-tidy occupants.


5. General Skin Health

Above all, jojoba oil was chosen for its general benefit to the health and well being of your skin. While most oils are, well, oily and leave residue jojoba oil’s light chemical compound makes it something of an anomaly. It is rich in iodine which, while oily, can help prevent ingrown hairs and breakouts. It keeps your skin looking and feeling young and studies show that the benefits of jojoba oil come in full force within a short six weeks of use – a time shared by Salix Lotion. With routine use, Salix Lotion will help reduce the appearance of unwanted hair but with the added benefits of a jojoba oil regimen.

Salix Skincare is all about all-natural ingredients that work. It’s not hard to see why we’ve chosen to champion jojoba oil as an essential part of our formula.

If you’re looking for a natural way to remove hair in a short amount of time, try Salix Lotion today and feel the difference!

Salix hair removal lotion is a good natural creme that helps remove hair and safe to use.