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Salix Lotion | 5 Downsides of Laser Hair Removal

Salix Lotion | 5 Downsides of Laser Hair Removal

Summertime is here and with summer comes a variety of bikini and swimwear options. It’s the time of year to really show your stuff! But for some with excessive hair growth around the body, summertime can be, well, a little less exciting.  Many women and men with excessive hair growth seek out different ways to fix the problem. Creams, lotions, waxing – but one of the most popular and expensive treatments is laser hair removal. Often presented as a quick and easy method of removing hair, laser removal can have a few unexpected downsides.

Salix hair removal lotion is a good natural creme that helps remove hair and safe to use.

Laser hair removal is a relatively risk-free way of removing excess hair. The process involves spot-treating hairy areas with a high amount of concentrated heat – essentially burning away hairs.

Common unexpected downsides are:

1.Skin Burns

A fairly common occurrence when undergoing laser hair removal is burned skin. This often happens when going to an improperly licensed or inexperienced laser hair removal specialist or when using. Mild burns could leave behind faint or reddish scars on the area treated. These burns could take days, weeks, and even months to heal. Ironically, the area affected becomes very sensitive often meaning that those affected will have less time for fun in the sun and instead more time indoors to heal.

2. Scarring and Discoloration

Most people remove excess hair to avoid embarrassment and gain confidence. Scarring and hyperpigmentation can make a simple insecurity to a new level. While tenderness and a faint “blush” redness” can be expected after treatment, permanent dark red or even brown scarring can occur. While hair can be removed with relative ease through many methods, scars aren’t so simple and can even lead to permanent discoloration of the area.

3. It’s Expensive

A basic hair removal procedure, ideally, could be seen as something fairly small. Naturally, many potential patients will look at the amount of hair or the area they would like treated and assumes that it wouldn’t cost very much. That assumption can be very inaccurate. In reality, basic treatment occurs across various sessions. Typically six sessions are needed and the cost could range anywhere from $250 to $400 each.  That means the average client could spend at least $1,200 before getting the result they want.

4. It’s Time Consuming

Laser hair removal is not an in-and-out deal. In most cases a patient needs at least 6 sessions before the laser hair removal begins to take effect. The time between sessions could vary by different health and booking factors. Moreover, being such a popular option in the summer, most facilities may have inconvenient schedules if they have any availability at all.

5. Results Are Not Guaranteed

Though a lot of research and technology has gone into laser hair removal, everyone is different and their results may vary. For example, patients with sensitive skin may not be eligible for treatments at all. Even if they are, treatment comes at a higher risk of burns and injury or just poor results. Patients with darker skin types are also more prone to injury because of darker skin’s propensity for absorbing the laser and heat more directly.

Salix hair removal lotion is a good natural creme that helps remove hair and safe to use.