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Salix Hair Removal Lotion | 3 Hidden Downsides of NAIR

Salix Hair Removal Lotion | 3 Hidden Downsides of NAIR

Skin care has seen a massive leap in popularity in recent years. It seems that every company is coming out with the latest options. Charcoal masks, activated pumice stones, creams, and salves all fill the shelves promising the latest options. But among the more popular staples of hair removal is Nair. Nair is a product that, when applied and allowed to set, allows hair to be removed with a wipe. On paper, Nair sounds like an easy to use product with straightforward results – but the downsides of Nair can often outweigh the benefits

Salix hair removal lotion is a good natural creme that helps remove hair and safe to use.

Nair is a brand name for a class of hair removal products called “Depilatory” products – these products are used specifically for hair removal and work by dissolving the protein structure found in the hair. By weakening it, the hair can be easily removed by wiping the hair away. While Nair is not the only product of its kind, it is arguably the most popular. However, Nair and other depilatory products often contain harsh chemicals that, while generally safe, can also be dangerous.

Below are common downsides of Nair.


1. Rash and Irritation

It’s no secret that the active ingredients in Nair are very strong. So strong in fact that the direction on the label recommend an application time of three minutes. That’s three minutes for application and removal. Leaving Nair on the screen for an extended period of time thereafter could lead to damages in the skin. Rashes, chafing, irritated pores and more could all result from leaving Nair on for an extended period of time. The instructions do note that Nair should not be used in sensitive areas but they don’t take into account that some users may have sensitive skin and leave use up to the individual’s discretion. A user may not know they have sensitive skin until that’ve already been affected by the product.  

Salix hair removal lotion is a good natural creme that helps remove hair and safe to use.

2. Allergies

Because the active ingredients in Nair are so specific, there is always a chance that a user could have an allergic reaction to it without even knowing. Reactions can range from large, unsightly boils and welts to swollen skin and ingrown hairs. These reactions often occur on the point of application but in some cases, allergies can be more severe. An allergic reaction could cause dizziness, difficulty breathing, nausea and more. Nair contains many different chemicals that while successful for some can prove difficult for others.


3. Chemical Burns

Much like skin irritation, Nair users could experience chemical burns. Manufacturers are aware that this side effect could occur and instruct users to leave the product on for a short period of time. However, the unnatural chemicals can go beyond a simple rash and lead to chemical burns. These burns could take weeks to heal and the area affected could feel warm to the touch. Even with healing, chemical burns could leave behind scars, discolored skin, blotchy skin, and more. The chemical burns can also stop hair from growing in the area affected leaving behind unsightly patches.

People use hair removal to clear up patches of hair and look good. While the market is full of many options, why not go for something all natural? 

Salix hair removal lotion is a good natural creme that helps remove hair and safe to use.